
LOGO: On January 18th, I used the Canva app to create a logo for my fashion magazine. I used a bunch of different fonts and color schemes, along with different background images to create certain scenes.

In this rough draft, I used a naturalistic background with medium dark wood to create an earthy mood, with basic black font coloring and a funky font to allude to the young audience.
This design is pretty basic and is more masculine-based than the others. The simplicity suits the calm nature of the magazine, and the color palette is cool and limited.
This design is my favorite because of the bright neon purple lettering in an arc in the top left. Also, I used a casual font for both wording on this one to appeal to a large range of audiences, but the purple hints more towards females. The dark grey background contrasts with the words but blends in with the spiral design.
This logo is more feminine and resembles a fashion magazine logo much more than the others. I like this one but it does not have a winter theme that I am going for in my magazine, this is more of a Spring type logo.
This logo is the one I will use for my magazine because it is simple and does not have any contrasting patterns. The black arrows reference the re-use of thrift clothes and the blue text follows the theme of the magazine.


Cover: Model Editing

This photo will be used as the main image for my front cover.

I used the Select Subject tool on Photoshop to have a selection of the model in order to place it on a white background along with photos of the other models posing. I also adjusted the brightness and contrast because the original image was too bright.

I used the photo editing app ‘Picsart’ to edit the background of the model for the front cover and soften the edges of the model’s hair.

Table of Contents Editing

In this photo is unedited shoes from Goodwill
This photo has been edited through the built in editing system for Apple iPhones

Adjustments: Brilliance +16

Highlights -50

Shadows +94

Contrast -18

Brightness -40

I used the detail tool in Picsart to select the shoes and make them clearer and stand out more

On the left, the sparkles on the high heel are dull and the zig zag pattern on the business shoes is unappealing and dark

Another part of my contents page will include CD’s to appeal to my teenage audience. I used the built in photo editor on an iPhone 12 to crop my image to take out the Goodwill floor and my thumb. I also used the Photoshop Express app to heal parts of the image near the bottom where my skin was showing.

I edited this photo of furniture using iPhone’s editing app to crop it and adjust the brightness.

I edited this photo of perfumes using the iPhone editing app to crop it and I used Picsart to blur the background.


To generate a barcode, I used the free website http://www.barcode.tec-it.com to make a barcode for the bottom of my magazine, which is a common convention in magazines.

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